Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Week 5 - Plan of Attack

Alright, Klout Score up to 32 - Makes me a Socializer. Sweet!

So this week's topic is Web Metrics and Marketing Research...

Yesterday, I watched a couple of videos on the history of the Internet.  After watching the 8 minute Brief History of the Internet on Youtube, it was much easier to follow Frank Acito on his more detailed review... Vaguely reminds me of a movie, can't remember... oh yes Terminator...  More on this later this week.

Got some reading left to do, namely the intro to "The Numerati" (Da Vinci Code anyone?), and the chapter about the "Critical Components of a Successful Web Analytics Strategy" since I dabble in business analytics professionally...

Finally, since I started the week looking at the past of the internet, it seems fitting that I end the week looking at what experts expect the future of the internet to be...

I'll Be Back!

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